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BlueBrixx - Astronomer lighthouse | Set 104382

Astronomer lighthouse Gallery5 pictures



  • 1772 steps
  • 3.9 pieces per step
  • 8 bags
Manual Astronomer lighthouse - 1
Manual Astronomer lighthouse - 2
Manual Astronomer lighthouse - 3
Manual Astronomer lighthouse - 4



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  • 6892 pieces
  • weight: 4570 g
  • 13 stickers
  • No prints
  • Size: 33.1 x 48.1 x 30.4 (w x h x d) cm
  • Box size: 57 x 39 x 17.5 cm

Colour distribution

Astronomer lighthouse Colour distribution


  • Listprice:
    • 239.95 EUR (3.5 ct/piece) (5.3 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The Astronomer lighthouse from BlueBrixx had the best building experience I’ve ever had with a set. No set came close to achieving what this masterpiece accomplished: taking me on a real Felt discovery journey while building it. Building this lighthouse Felt almost like reading a novel and I wouldn’t have believed that was even possible.

This set is the new standard for interior design in my book. Not that others haven’t already shown that, but the sheer quantity of details in this set is nothing short of astonishing.

How did the designer manage to shape every square inch of this massive colossus with such endurance? That’s either a lot of discipline or a lot of passion, probably both.

That the quality of the pieces was once again an issue is unfortunate, but the designer made more than up for it. Congratulations BlueBrixx for hiring the man!

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