BlueBrixx - STAR TREK™ Delta Flyer | Set 104967

STAR TREK™ Delta Flyer Gallery5 pictures



  • 329 steps
  • 5.2 pieces per step
  • 5 bags



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  • 1714 pieces
  • weight: 1250 g
  • 17 prints
  • Size: 26.9 x 11.8 x 45.4 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 129.95 EUR (7.6 ct/piece) (10.4 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The BlueBrixx Delta Flyer comes across sleek as to be expected considering the original design from Voyager. The building experience has its highlights, such as the green-yellowish Borg technology in the shuttle, but also its lows, like the wobbly roof. BlueBrixx Pro Sets still do not come with digital instructions, unfortunately.

The quality of the pieces was once again inconsistent. The pieces do work, but there are too many instances of not enough clutch for my liking.

In terms of design, I appreciate the well-executed proportions, the retractable wings, and the stylish cockpit. BlueBrixx also did again an excellent job with the prints for the interior. However, once the build is completed, it becomes difficult to see into the space in the back, which is a shame as there are some nice details, prints, and even a retractable bio-bed.

In terms of value for money, I prefer the Runabout. Nonetheless, we still get a beautiful STAR TREK set in minifigure scale. Now we just need the matching minifigures.

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