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BlueBrixx - Weir walk extension for Blaustein Castle | Set 105236

Weir walk extension for Blaustein Castle Gallery6 pictures



  • 845 steps
  • 5.3 pieces per step
  • 10 bags
Manual Weir walk extension for Blaustein Castle - 1




  • 4473 pieces
  • weight: 4610 g
  • No stickers
  • No prints
  • Size: 71.3 x 72.9 x 72.2 (w x h x d) cm

Colour distribution

Weir walk extension for Blaustein Castle Colour distribution


  • Listprice:
    • 189.95 EUR (4.2 ct/piece) (4.1 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


With this last of the three extensions from 2022, we bring the Blaustein castle with the weir walk to almost 22,000 pieces and a cube with roughly 72cm edge length. This is the biggest problem with the product because who has space for it?

The size and therefore the difficulties of handling during construction already show that BlueBrixx has to come up with something here. The Blaustein Castle now consists of five sets, but it is not modular. The almost 18 kg have to be moved almost in one piece, not only for transport but also during construction. This will not work for much longer and I suspect that the future lies in expansions that can be attached to the castle in modular fashion.

Apart from that, there is not much to add from my previous reviews. The construction techniques of this extension are again exciting, the pieces are still great, and the price-performance ratio outshines any other set on the markt. The Blaustein Castle remains the queen of medieval brick-building.

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