BlueBrixx - Bear Rock Castle: Base Castle | Set 105506

Bear Rock Castle: Base Castle Gallery5 pictures



  • 281 steps
  • 5.7 pieces per step
  • 3 bags



Brand Videos


  • 1610 pieces
  • weight: 2000 g
  • No stickers
  • No prints
  • Size: 32 x 26 x 32 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 89.95 EUR (5.6 ct/piece) (4.5 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


BlueBrixx has with their Blaustein the strongest castle currently available for purchase. However, with over 20,000 pieces and complex building techniques, it may not be for everyone. That’s why BlueBrixx now offers the Bear Rock Castle.

This castle is simple, straightforward, and a homage to the LEGO Castle sets of the past millennium. With 1600 pieces, it can afford many modern building techniques and castle walls that deserve the name with four studs’ thickness.

In addition, there is a clever modularity that not only makes the castle very flexible in construction, but also expandable. BlueBrixx has already announced five expansions.

Furthermore, BlueBrixx has equipped the basic castle with GoBricks pieces. These are popular among adult builders thanks to their excellent quality and high clutch power. The latter could limit the sets suitability for younger kids, though.

Overall, an impressive set with good value for the money. Unfortunately, without digital instructions.

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