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BlueBrixx - Medieval Charcoal burner camp | Set 105655

Medieval Charcoal burner camp Gallery3 pictures



  • 223 steps
  • 5.0 pieces per step
  • no bag separation
Manual Medieval Charcoal burner camp - 1


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  • 1108 pieces
  • weight: 970 g
  • No stickers
  • No prints
  • Size: 29 x 12.5 x 28 (w x h x d) cm

Colour distribution

Medieval Charcoal burner camp Colour distribution


  • Listprice:
    • 49.95 EUR (4.5 ct/piece) (5.1 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The Medieval Charcoal burner camp from BlueBrixx, designed by Martin, is a successful representation of one of the oldest crafts in human history. In addition to a small hut by the river, we have to build two charcoal piles, one under construction and one in operation, as well as a small coal storage. This is going well, although some of the pieces had some problems with clutch power.

I really like the design of the piles and the hut. However, what really bothered me is the use of huge green Bricks like 10 x 10 Brick, Round Corner and similar large pieces. This is not what we are used to from this series and it looks really crude. Additionally, BlueBrixx’s supplier produces these pieces in a glossy finish, unlike LEGO, which does not fit at all.

This is a shame because otherwise the Medieval Charcoal burner camp is well done and has a decent price-performance ratio. However, the older sets in the series, like the The Golden Goblet Inn, offer more value for the money.

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