Cobi - DR BR 52 Steam Locomotive | Set 6282

DR BR 52 Steam Locomotive Gallery14 pictures





    • 2505 pieces
    • One minifigure
    • No stickers
    • Size: 9.5 x 14 x 67 (w x h x d) cm


    • Listprice:
      • 199.99 EUR (8.0 ct/piece)
    • Bestprice:
      • EU: 167.95 EUR (6.7 ct/piece)
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    Kai Zimmermann


    Cobi is finally getting into trains. Starting with the German Class 52, also known as the War Locomotive, is certainly not a bad move. With this model, Cobi can surely appeal to both railway enthusiasts and their existing community of military historians.

    Cobi has done many things right with the product. The look is impressive, with solid quality pieces, with deep contrasting colors and many details, for which if needed new pieces have been made. Many prints and no stickers are in the box, naturally part of the Cobi formula.

    The set has over 2500 pieces. This is really a locomotive in minifigure scale!

    Unfortunately, it cannot be motorized. It is a pure display model. Cobi has not yet been able to fully embrace the railway theme. A modification of the locomotive should be possible but is not going to easy.

    The instructions are as always first-class, and the overall package is high-quality.

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