Mork - Medieval Tavern | Set 033002

Medieval Tavern Gallery4 pictures



  • 429 steps
  • 8.0 pieces per step
  • 6 bags


  • 3451 pieces
  • weight: 2400 g
  • 4 prints
  • Size: 29 x 29.5 x 22 (w x h x d) cm


  • Bestprice:
    • EU: 159.95 EUR (4.6 ct/piece) (6.7 ct/g)
    • CN: 101.05 EUR (2.9 ct/piece) (4.2 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The medieval sets from Mork are a tricky matter and the Medieval Tavern is no exception. On one hand, they are one of the few ways to acquire sets that fit well with the current LEGO Castle style. This is achieved once again with a light playfulness in the design and building techniques that make the set harmonious with LEGO’s Medieval Blacksmith for example.

On the other hand, we have the Mork package with mediocre piece quality from Xingbao and only a paper manual, which is also not error-free. In addition, there is a simplicity in the design that makes even LEGO sets appear quite detailed.

What is also noticeable again is the unusually high use of small pieces. Using only Brick 1 x 1 and Brick 1 x 2 leads to quite unstable wall constructions, which can often reduce the building experience without really bringing any visual advantages.

I would rather recommend the BlueBrixx medieval sets if it doesn’t have to be this exact design style.

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