Mould King - Friends Caffee | Set 16014

Friends Caffee Gallery7 pictures



  • 485 steps
  • 9.3 pieces per step
  • 12 bags




  • 4488 pieces
  • Size: 25.5 x 32 x 25.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Bestprice:
    • EU: 176.90 EUR (3.9 ct/piece)
    • CN: 137.94 EUR (3.1 ct/piece)
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Kai Zimmermann


The Friends Caffee by Mould King, a set based on the well-known MOC (My Own Creation) by Berthil, is visually appealing and was a lot of fun to assemble.

However, the product exists in a gray area, as the original MOC uses LEGO Ideas sets Central Perk and The Big Bang Theory and transforms them into a modular with an additional 3000 pieces. This means that the Mould King set has directly borrowed numerous elements from the LEGO sets.

For those who can live with that, they will get a beautiful set with high-quality pieces at an affordable price. However, unlike LEGO, no prints are included. In fact, it is most enjoyable to own this set if you also have the two LEGO products to benefit from the printed pieces and minifigures.

Something that I didn’t like so much are the orange walls. A Medium Nougat or Dark Tan | Sand yellow color would have been much more pleasant. On the other hand, the additional Big Bang Theory scene on the roof is very welcome. Exterior scenes are always useful, especially with modulars.

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