Panlos - VII C U-Boat Submarine | Set 628011

VII C U-Boat Submarine Gallery7 pictures



  • 919 steps
  • 6.7 pieces per step
  • 10 bags



  • 6172 pieces
  • 17 minifigures
  • weight: 4230 g
  • 10 stickers
  • 107 prints
  • Size: 13 x 28.5 x 118.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Bestprice:
    • CN: 144.38 EUR (2.3 ct/piece) (3.4 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


I never thought that Panlos would be able to produce a set that would surpass even Cobi’s military historical models. But the VII C U-Boat Submarine has done it. The boat is incredibly detailed - so much so that we even built details that would later be completely covered and never seen again.

The opulence of the set is amazing, but thanks to a well-thought-out section-by-section construction, the 1.20 m long colossus is easy to handle during the build. However, visiting the interior after completion is not easy.

The quality of the pieces is very good, with nothing to complain about except for micro-scratches. However, a real disaster is the instruction manual. It is upright, huge, and printed tiny, which saves pages but resulted in one of the most frustrating building experiences I’ve ever had.

With patience, however, it is doable, and the result speaks for itself. The price-performance ratio of this set is unbeatable: over 6,000 pieces of this quality with the mass of prints for under 200 euros - that’s hard to believe.

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