PanBo - The Office | Set 7702

The Office Gallery3 pictures



  • 378 steps
  • 10.1 pieces per step
  • 7 bags



  • 3828 pieces
  • weight: 3240 g
  • No stickers
  • 50 prints
  • With lighting
  • Size: 25.5 x 33.5 x 25.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Bestprice:
    • EU: 179.95 EUR (4.7 ct/piece) (5.6 ct/g)
    • CN: 131.04 EUR (3.4 ct/piece) (4.0 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The Office designed by ohsojang is refreshing because it is neither retail nor gastronomy, but an office building. This alone may be the reason to buy this set.

However, it should be noted that the original MOC (My Own Creation) design represents a building around the The Office set of LEGO. This is not uncommon, there are many such MOCs (My Own Creations), but it means that you are buying a PanBo set in which many LEGO designs can be found that were taken directly from their set.

Apart from that, we also have a lot of ohsojang in the product. Once again, it is a display of beautiful and modern designs, as well as a nice modularity and some excellent play features.

PanBo is a new brand name, but identical in content to Mork. So, there are also the mediocre pieces included, there is no digital instruction and colorful pieces that don’t belong in the set. However, there are also plenty of prints again, but unfortunately all computer screens are printed wrong by 90 degrees.

Overall, a solid set with a beautiful design. Maybe for you if you can live with the quality of the material.

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