Pantasy - POPEYE™ Treasure Hunt Steamship | Set 86402

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  • 713 steps
  • 2.5 pieces per step
  • 15 bags


Brand Videos


  • 1800 pieces
  • 5 minifigures
  • weight: 2000 g
  • 5 stickers
  • 106 prints
  • Size: 56.8 x 20.8 x 48.6 (w x h x d) cm
  • Box size: 56 x 48 x 20 cm


  • Listprice:
    • 159.99 USD (8.9 ct/piece) (8.0 ct/g)
  • Bestprice:
    • NA: 89.99 USD (5.0 ct/piece) (4.5 ct/g)
    • CN: 100.83 EUR (5.6 ct/piece) (5.0 ct/g)
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AFOBRICK - 5% discount code: 'merlin'
Pantasy - 10% discount code: 'MERLIN-PANTASY'

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Kai Zimmermann


The POPEYE™ Treasure Hunt Steamship is a really good set: from the appealing packaging to the clearly structured instructions, beautiful color selection, many details, and functions, up to the actual building, it creates a lot of good mood and desire for more. The look is a real pleasure for fans of the franchise.

The different levels of the ship are highly detailed. Unfortunately, after completion, some of them are no longer visible. Only the five large stickers on the chimney are a bit annoying. There is also no digital instruction available and the minifigures are problematic at least in the EU.

The ship is also something for Brick enthusiasts who have nothing to do with Popeye.

The overall package is - typical of Pantasy - impressively high-quality. Good Bricks, a very chic packaging, numerous prints, and a lovingly designed manual make the POPEYE™ Treasure Hunt Steamship a genuine experience. However, with 160 USD, it is not exactly cheap.

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