BlueBrixx - STAR TREK™ USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D | Set 104184

STAR TREK™ USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Gallery5 pictures



  • 187 steps
  • 10.5 pieces per step
  • 6 bags



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  • 1971 pieces
  • weight: 2340 g
  • 61 prints
  • Size: 55 x 18 x 40 (w x h x d) cm
  • Box size: 62 x 9 x 43 cm


  • Listprice:
    • 199.95 EUR (10.1 ct/piece) (8.5 ct/g)
  • Bestprice:
    • EU: 149.95 EUR (7.6 ct/piece) (6.4 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


For me, the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D was the weakest set so far from the BlueBrixx STAR TREK series. The fact that it was also the first may explain this point: BlueBrixx simply had to gain more experience.

First of all, it is a well-designed Galaxy-Class ship. She can be clearly recognized and the almost complete absence of studs in the final image, combined with the numerous prints, gives her a certain model-building finesse, which is going to have many fans.

As a STAR TREK set, it works, but as a brick-building set it unfortunately does not. This starts with a meager building experience: after only four hours, the 200 Euro set is built. There are also no exciting building techniques, and there is a lack of stability between the saucer and warp sections. In addition to the usual scratches, there were also problems with the clutch power. Furthermore, the instructions were not available in digital form.

200 Euros is simply too much for what is in the box. Danube class Runabout or the USS Defiant NX-74205 are much better in that regard.

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