BlueBrixx - STAR TREK™ USS Voyager NCC-74656 | Set 104572

STAR TREK™ USS Voyager NCC-74656 Gallery5 pictures



  • 119 steps
  • 5.0 pieces per step
  • 2 bags


Brand Videos


  • 599 pieces
  • weight: 420 g
  • 16 prints
  • Size: 11.5 x 14 x 28.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 34.95 EUR (5.8 ct/piece) (8.3 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The USS Voyager NCC-74656 is a ship from the STAR TREK Mid-Size series by BlueBrixx. Its design is unusual with the warp drives designed without transparent pieces. This look may take some getting used to. However, the overall hull shape is well done.

A highlight of the USS Voyager NCC-74656 are the movable engines, which work well. Unfortunately, the deflector shield is not very well represented, a problem that many of the smaller STAR TREK models suffer from.

The quality of the pieces was decent, although not outstanding. The prints are well made and the instructions are easy to understand. Unfortunately, there are still no digital instructions for STAR TREK sets.

In terms of price, the USS Voyager NCC-74656 belongs to the more affordable sets in the series. Considering the prints and the license, a price of just under 6 cents per piece can certainly be demanded.

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