BlueBrixx - STAR TREK™ Romulan D´deridex Warbird | Set 104573

STAR TREK™ Romulan D´deridex Warbird Gallery5 pictures



  • 104 steps
  • 4.9 pieces per step
  • 2 bags


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  • 510 pieces
  • weight: 355 g
  • 25 prints
  • Size: 19.5 x 13 x 25.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 29.95 EUR (5.9 ct/piece) (8.4 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


Of the midsize models from the BlueBrixx STAR TREK series, the Romulan D´deridex Warbird is my favorite. Admittedly, the design is a bit of a challenge for the not always perfect clutch power of the Xingbao pieces, and my copy had slight color variations.

But from there on only good news: a mountain of prints in the package, a great design, especially considering the size, and a short but nice building experience.

Whether you prefer Olive Green or regular green for a Romulan ship is a matter of taste. No Brick color is perfect, regular green may fit better, but may also look like farming equipment.

In general, the Warbird shows why I like the STAR TREK midsize models from BlueBrixx so much. The ship perfectly captures the shapes and proportions of the original without breaking the bank.

At 30 euros, it is fairly priced. No digital instructions, but 25 prints.

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