BlueBrixx - STAR TREK™ Klingon Bird-of-Prey | Set 104584

STAR TREK™ Klingon Bird-of-Prey Gallery5 pictures



  • 246 steps
  • 6.3 pieces per step
  • 4 bags



  • 1539 pieces
  • weight: 1245 g
  • 4 prints
  • Size: 51.5 x 26.5 x 43.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 99.95 EUR (6.5 ct/piece) (8.0 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


BlueBrixx has released the Klingon Bird-of-Prey in all three STAR TREK sizes. This one impresses as the largest model, but also struggles with its weight. Especially the movable wing mechanism pushes the limits of the system. The Technic can hold the wings in their position but lifting them up requires manual assistance.

Aligning the wings synchronously is also the biggest challenge during construction. Many in the community have succeeded, unfortunately mine was always a bit sluggish in one of its wings.

Visually, I really like the model. Unlike with the Romulans, BlueBrixx had the right colors in their portfolio for this one, with Olive and Sand Green. The shapes once again worked wonderfully in building blocks, which is not the case with all their models. The quality of the pieces is good, but as always, nothing to be cheerful about.

The instruction manual is also quite good, but only available in paper format. Pricewise, this set is one of the cheaper ones in the series, but has only four prints included.

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