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BlueBrixx - Fox Plaza | Set 107190

Fox Plaza Gallery3 pictures



  • 87 steps
  • 17.6 pieces per step
  • no bag separation


  • 1534 pieces
  • weight: 1070 g
  • One sticker
  • No prints
  • Size: 16.3 x 31.2 x 17.2 (w x h x d) cm
  • Box size: 30.5 x 31.5 x 8.5 cm

Colour distribution

Fox Plaza Colour distribution


  • Listprice:
    • 59.95 EUR (3.9 ct/piece) (5.6 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


The Fox Plaza from BlueBrixx fulfills its purpose: It authentically replicates a well-known building. This is typically done by BlueBrixx with a very good price-performance ratio, a clearly readable digital manual, and a reasonable part quality. The typical lack of construction sections is less of a problem here, as some parts are used hundreds of times.

The problem is that the walls are built up again and again using the same construction technique. This cannot be changed, but it leads to little variety in the construction and a relatively quick end. No more than two hours are needed for this, compared to other Architecture Sets from the manufacturer, where you can expect 5-6 times as much for not much more money.

Nevertheless, there are some highlights in the construction, a few hints towards Nakatomi Plaza can be discovered. All in all, it is a decent set for movie lovers of the 80s.

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