Funwhole - Steampunk Airship: Light Catcher | Set F9014

Steampunk Airship: Light Catcher Gallery12 pictures



  • 299 steps
  • 5.5 pieces per step
  • 11 bags
Manual Steampunk Airship: Light Catcher - 1
Manual Steampunk Airship: Light Catcher - 2


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  • 1641 pieces
  • 3 minifigures
  • weight: 1560 g
  • 12 stickers
  • 17 prints
  • With lighting
  • Size: 31 x 36 x 55 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 107.09 USD (6.5 ct/piece) (6.9 ct/g)
  • Bestprice:
    • NA: 89.99 USD (5.5 ct/piece) (5.8 ct/g)
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Funwhole - 10% discount code: 'MERLIN'
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Kai Zimmermann


With the Steampunk Airship: Light Catcher, Funwhole has taken another step forward. Like the previous Steampunk sets, the ship is a dream in gold and is beautifully lit. This time though, we have a the well-hidden wiring and a lockable compartment for the battery box.

The pieces were also really fun to work with. I had never held such good ship-hull pieces before. The instructions are, as always, very good.

The design appeals to me as well. The only thing that is unnecessarily difficult to remove is the roof of the cabin, where a cable runs. A Hinge or pressure contacts should have been built in to make it more practical to access.

The stand is very sturdy, but like most of its kind, it doesn’t win any prizes for beauty. Overall, what I still miss is a bit more sophistication in the design. Funwhole sets are very solidly constructed, but they still lack that certain something in the building techniques.

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