Mork - Cube Brown Modern Villa | Set 010204

Cube Brown Modern Villa Gallery5 pictures



  • 331 steps
  • 10.8 pieces per step
  • 5 bags



  • 3591 pieces
  • weight: 2840 g
  • 10 prints
  • Size: 25.5 x 31.5 x 25.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Bestprice:
    • EU: 189.95 EUR (5.3 ct/piece) (6.7 ct/g)
    • CN: 103.86 EUR (2.9 ct/piece) (3.7 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


Morks Cube Brown Modern Villa designed by ohsojang was the first modular building from this duo. Previously, the designer had collaborated with Mould King. This also means that instead of GoBricks, we must settle with Xingbao pieces which are not the same level of quality.

That’s painful, but not as bad as we thought. The pieces work well. Fortunately, there were no major problems with grip strength or precision in this set.

However, there are the typical huge bags of Mork, which make searching an inherent part of the building experience, and there are no digital instructions. On the positive side, there are ten prints in the box.

ohsojang has done his job once again perfectly. The building is Bauhaus, wonderfully detailed, and refreshingly modular. Only the non-attached furniture without studs didn’t appeal to me, and a few curtain Plates shine through the windows with their ugly backside.

Overall, we have a brilliantly designed set with decent pieces, a few prints, a mediocre building experience, and a fair price.

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