Mould King - The Bar | Set 16042

The Bar Gallery4 pictures



  • 590 steps
  • 6.8 pieces per step
  • 10 bags
Manual The Bar - 1
Manual The Bar - 2
Manual The Bar - 3
Manual The Bar - 4


Brand Videos


  • 3992 pieces
  • weight: 2985 g
  • 16 stickers
  • With lighting
  • Size: 25.5 x 30 x 25.5 (w x h x d) cm


  • Listprice:
    • 129.00 USD (3.2 ct/piece) (4.3 ct/g)
  • Bestprice:
    • EU: 179.95 EUR (4.5 ct/piece) (6.0 ct/g)
    • CN: 126.22 USD (3.2 ct/piece) (4.2 ct/g)
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Kai Zimmermann


For many who have built it, Mould Kings The Bar is considered one of the best modulars of all time. I can certainly join in the excitement. The design by ohsojang is beautifully detailed, incorporating Bauhaus design elements and several impressive functional features. The opulence of the set is simply breathtaking in every way, it lacks nothing. Unlike most LEGO modulars, you never feel that compromises were made in the design to save pieces.

As is typical for this manufacturer, the very good GoBricks pieces were used. However, this is also a weakness of the set. These pieces are generally very good, but they have more micro scratches. Often not a problem, but with this set, with lots of black and all the windows, it is noticeable. It is also a shame that there are no prints in the set. It still looks good even without all the stickers, but some details are missing.

However, all of this is balanced out by the very good price. Even with EU retailers, we can get The Bar for 130 euros or less for nearly 4000 pieces.

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